J. T. McIntosh
By the Author
The Cosmic Spies
The battle for Earth is on! It was not an invasion from space. It was four invasions - simultaneous but each task force led by…
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One in 300
He held the power of life after the world's end! In four days the world was coming to an end! The exploding sun would burn…
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200 Years to Christmas
For almost two centuries the huge spaceship had speared its way through the stars, bound for another two hundred years of travel before it would…
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Time for a Change
The Giants... They came in the summer - the longest, hottest summer the village had ever known. They wouldn't drink beer - it was 'grossing'.…
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Time for a Change
The Giants... They came in the summer - the longest, hottest summer the village had ever known. They wouldn't drink beer - it was 'grossing'.…
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A Planet Called Utopia
Utopia had been completely separated from the rest of the galaxy for 300 years. It had taken six decades to finalise the agreement and conditions…
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The Million Cities
The Million Cities covered every inch of Earth's surface with a gleaming metal skin - and penetrated almost to the planet's core. Billions of people…
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World Out of Mind
They had conquered Mars! Earth was next. And in the council chambers at Washington, Earth's leaders gathered to face the peril. Mars had gone down…
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Galactic Takeover Bid
CHART (Cartography Headquarters, Astro Research Trust) is Earth's galactic takeover bid. Knowledge is power, and the human race means to go on using painfully acquired…
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This is the Way the World Begins
Visit Earth, the birthplace of man! From the holiday planet of Paradiso one could go on many exciting tours and excursions - Mars, Venus, the…
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The Space Sorcerers
Kill and die. That was the battle tactic of the Tinkers, rough, vicious interplanetary invaders who would rather die than be captured alive. Controlling them…
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Born Leader
Foley was a BORN LEADER...but the settlers of the planet Mundis were smug, content with their lives, happy to 'leave well alone'. Their petty conflicts…
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The Fittest
It all started when a scientist called Paget performed some fantastic experiments on dogs, cats, rats and mice in an attempt to heighten animal intelligence.…
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The Noman Way
The Noman authorities had a highly original method of keeping the planet's population figures stable - the Sports. These were a series of aptitude tests,…
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Norman Conquest, 2066
Earth, 2066. The human race was changing...nature was trying valiantly to produce an answer to the neurosis, psychosis and instability of mankind; and so, two…
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Six Gates from Limbo
Three travellers find six very different worlds await their choice - if they have the courage to leave Eden... On awakening in an idyllic tropical…
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FLETCHER HAD TO DIE. And so he did; and found himself in a place - in a state of mind - that he could not…
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Flight from Rebirth
Benny Rice is not what he seems to be. His tests for rebirth reveal all the necessary traits - compassion, health, energy, potential for creativity…