A. Bertram Chandler
By the Author
Frontier of the Dark
The Mannschenn Drive was the gateway to the stars, but it had one unfortunate site effect: Traveling faster than light, mankind reverted to the bestial…
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The Sea Beasts
They came in armies from under the sea - they possessed an intelligence and cunning beyond any human. These incredible tales were dismissed as the…
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Contraband from Otherspace
A deadly cargo that threatens to sheer through the fabric of reality, like a knife through soft butter.
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The Gateway to Never
John Grimes is stranded on a Hell Planet! Another adventure with the pipe-smoking, action-loving spaceship commander Lieutenant John Grimes.
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To Keep The Ship
John Grimes falls into the clutches of terrorists. Its going to talk all his efforts to keep his precious golden ship. (Especially as it is…
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Matilda’s Stepchildren
John Grimes, owner of the deep space pinnace Little Sister, could not be too fussy about who he carried. Fenalla Pruin, the muckraking reporter, was…
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The Anarch Lords
His wild career as a space pirate ended, Grimes faced his toughest assignment - he was "punished" by being made governor of the anarchists' own…
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Kelly Country
There was a Ned Kelly. He lived and breathed and fought for what he believed to be right - according to the historians. According to…
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The Wild Ones
Back on earth with Shirl and Darleen from New Alice, John Grimes is off on a new mission. Giant golden creatures and accusations of witchcraft…
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The Alternate Martians
A space expedition to Mars find themselves in the worlds of H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Otis Adelbert Kline.
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The Road to the Rim
Meet John Grimes at the very beginning of a career that will lead him to fame and glory out at the edge of the galaxy,…
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Spartan Planet
John Grimes arrives on the forgotten planet Sparta, where a birth machine produces only men generation after generation. The strangely shaped 'men' on his ship…
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The Rim Gods
Gods! Dragons! Fairies! Frog Princess! Knights! and much more. John Grimes faces them all.
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Catch the Star Winds
Unable to exceed the speed of light, he found ways around the law of nature, twisting space and time to his bidding. But the lure…
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Alternate Orbits
"When Kinsolving's Planet crosses your path, beware!" Commodore John Grimes would have done well to heed this warning. But the evil magic of Kinsolving draws…
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To Prime the Pump
El Dorado is a planet with a problem, the men are infertile and the woman are getting out of hand. Its up to John Grimes…
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The Hard Way Up
A selection of John Grimes short stories including: With Good Intentions The Subtracter The Tin Messiah The Sleeping Beauty The Wandering Buoy The Mountain Movers…
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The Inheritors
John Grimes tackles the slave trade on a lost world with some very feline like inhabitants.
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The Big Black Mark
A pivotal time in the career of John Grimes. A fateful journey in the vessel Discovery, bearing an uncanny kinship to the legendary vessel the…
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The Broken Cycle
Being lost in space was no new experience to John Grimes, whose career as an interstellar officer had brought him into many such dilemmas. But…
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The Way Back
Lost in space...lost in time. There can be no more terrifying situation for any spaceman to be in, and such was the problem when Commodore…
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The Far Traveler
The Far Traveler was hardly the sort of starship to use in the study of lost space colonies. Lost colonies were likely to be desperate,…
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Star Courier
In his long and fabulous career as the Captain Hornblower of space, John Grimes was to experience many strange things, rising through the ranks of…
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Star Loot
In luck and out of luck, John Grimes was a living legend of the spaceways. He had been an officer of the service, he had…
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The Last Amazon
Originally, Sparta was an all-male planet - an all-male population with everything that implies: babies - male babies only - produced by the so-called Birth…
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When the Dream Dies
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Bring Back Yesterday
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Empress of Outer Space
Her Imperial Highness Empress Irene is in trouble. She needs to prevent the take over of the universe by the power hungry Mortimer Jones .…
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Nebula Alert
The Iralians were humanoid and techically free citizens of the Galactic Empire. But as slaves they were prized above all others, for they had the…
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Up to the Sky in Ships
Up to the Sky in Ships contains seven undeservedly obscure stories by A. Bertram Chandler, including "Chance Encounter", the first story in which John Grimes…
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Into the Alternate Universe
Rim ghosts are real! Intruders from alternate universes appearing where the fabric of space is thin. Sonya and John Grimes find themselves in an alternate…
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The Dark Dimensions
Commodore John Grimes was finally getting his space wings back. On his old ship, Faraway Quest, Grimes was to venture forth to the very Rim…
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The Rim of Space
Derek Calver touches down on Lorn and is determined to join the Rim Runners to explore desolate planets. He joins the crew of Lorn Lady…
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The Ship From Outside
The reward for rescuing Thermopylae is finally paid, and Calver and his shipmates from Lorn Lady purchase a ship and rename her The Outsider. Two…
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Beyond the Galactic Rim
A journey to the Rim Worlds takes you straight to the edge of the unknown or right to the gaping void of the abyss. Out…
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Space Mercenaries
Her ex-Imperial Highness of Outer Space had developed a conscience. With a well-armed space cruiser on her hands, she didn't want to sell it to…
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The Deep Reaches of Space
Is he George Whitley, a twentieth-century writer of science fiction - or Peter Quinn, Second Officer of the interstellar liner Lode Maiden? An injection of…
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The Hamelin Plague
It began with a few small items in the newspapers - dead dogs and cats, a mutilated child, a series of unexplained fires. Then suddenly…
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The Bitter Pill
To Paul Clayton, obscure shipping clerk, his forty-fifth birthday was not an occasion for celebration. It meant the achievement of status of Senior Citizen, and…
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The Coils of Time
Dr. Henshaw had created what he thought was a time travel machine and he had sent guinea pigs through it. But now he needed a…